Consult your physician before starting any exercise program. Drink lots of water, HAVE FUN!!!

Warm up: complete 2 rounds =
Run up 4 and back 4 – 1 minute
Alternating leg lifts while moving forward – 20 xs
Windmills, bring arms to side, 1 arm touch opposite foot, other side – 16xs

Speed Skaters 30 xs
Alt lunge backs 30 xs
Push-ups 15 xs
Alt lunge frwds 30 xs
Side shuffles, arms stay out to side 8 rt, 8 lt 6x
Tricep dips elevated surface
Burpees 8x
Side planks 15 Ea.
Repeat for a total of 30 minutes

Workout 2:
Jumps squats 20 xs
AB knee tucks 20 xs
Alternating walking lunges 30 xs
2 push-ups 10 mtn climbers (3 xs)
Jumping jacks 40 xs
Alternating side lunges holding arms straing out in front,shoulder height 30
Floor jacks 40 xs
Jack out jack in (squating each time) 10 xs

Consult your physician before starting any exercise program. Drink lots of water, HAVE FUN!!!